blog kami.cerita kami.

Tekan sini!!!

Sabtu, 4 Februari 2012


Lama sungguh tak update blog ini
Sebab semua dah busy dengan SPM kan?
Dan selepas SPM semua lupakan blog ini smpai berhabuk ha...

Insyallah blog ini akan terus hidup
Untuk updatekan tentang batch kami
And... informasi semasa mengenai pelajaran...
Insyallah :)

Isnin, 1 Ogos 2011

Ramadhan al-Mubarak

Ramadhan dah tiba lah :)
Harap kawan-kawan manfaatkan Ramadhan tahun 2011 ni...
Al-maklum kita kan nak SPM?
Banyakkan berdoa dan beribadat untuk rebut keberkatan dan keredhaan Ramadhan
Berdoalah agar keputusan SPM 2011 gempak gitu !

Straight A+ SPM ... matlamat kita :)
Selamat Berpuasa !!!

Sabtu, 16 Julai 2011

Soalan Latihan SPM?

Soalan-soalan trial negeri dan MARA telah pun diupload di

Silalah mengunjung dan download agar dapat buat latihan sebagai persediaan
Menghadapi SPM

"Don't fear SPM, fear will kill you in the war, Face SPM, with confidence & modern weapons,
victory will be yours :)"

Rabu, 6 Julai 2011



Transformer is a device that is used to raise or lower down the potential difference of an alternating current.

The function of a transformer is to increase or decrease the potential difference of an alternating current supply.

A transformer consist of 3 parts, namely

Primary Circuit:The primary circuit is the circuit that connected to the input energy source. The current, potential difference and coil (winding) in the primary circuit are called the primary current (Ip), primary potential difference (Vp) and primary coil respectively.

Core:The core is the ferromagnetic metal wound by the primary and secondary coil. The function of the core is to transfer the changing magnetic flux from the primary coil to the secondary coil.

Secondary Circuit:The secondary circuit is the circuit that connected to the output of the transformer. The current, potential difference and coil (winding) in the secondary circuit are called the secondary current (Is), secondary potential difference (Vs) and secondary coil.

Calculation of Potential Difference Change

Calculation of Current Change

Questions for you :)

1. A transformer has a primary coil of 2000 turns and a secondary of 400 turns.
(a) Is this a step-down or step-up transformer?
(b) If the primary coil is supplied with a voltage of 500V what is the secondary voltage?
(c) If the secondary coil has a voltage of 12V what is the primary voltage?

2. A transformer has a primary coil of 6000 turns and a secondary of 150 turns.
(a) Is this a step-down or step-up transformer?
(b) If the primary coil is supplied with a voltage of 230V what is the secondary voltage?
(c) If the secondary coil has a voltage of 9V what is the primary voltage?

3. A transformer has a primary coil of 400 turns and a secondary of 1600 turns.
(a) Is this a step-down or step-up transformer?
(b) If the primary coil is supplied with a voltage of 30V what is the secondary voltage?
(c) If the secondary coil has a voltage of 800V what is the primary voltage?

4. A transformer has a primary coil of 80 turns and a secondary of 4000 turns.
(a) Is this a step-down or step-up transformer?
(b) If the primary coil is supplied with a voltage of 230V what is the secondary voltage?
(c) If the secondary coil has a voltage of 50kV what is the primary voltage?

5. A transformer has a primary coil of 5000 turns and a primary voltage of 230V.
(a) If the secondary coil has 500 turns what is the secondary voltage?
(b) If the secondary coil has a voltage of 690V what is the number of turns in the secondary coil?

6. A transformer has a secondary coil of 60 turns and a secondary voltage of 10V.
(a) If the primary coil has 500 turns what is the primary voltage?
(b) If the primary coil has a voltage of 2V what is the number of turns in the primary coil?

7. A transformer has a primary coil of 3000 turns and a secondary voltage of 8V.
(a) If the secondary coil has 600 turns what is the primary voltage?
(b) If the primary coil has a voltage of 160V what is the number of turns in the secondary coil?

8. A transformer has a secondary coil of 60 turns and a primary voltage of 230V.
(a) If the primary coil has 1200 turns what is the secondary voltage?
(b) If the secondary coil has a voltage of 46V what is the number of turns in the secondary coil?

Easy? Well those are actually GSCE level questions from United Kingdom...
Moderate? SPM is much more easier than this ...
Hard? Put on more effort, see your teachers :)

Jumaat, 10 Jun 2011

Tiada istilah penat :(

Dah bersedia untuk melangkah ke semester 2?
Langkah dengan keyakinan mantap...
Langkah dengan azam baru...
Langkah dengan kecergasan fizikal yang kuat...
Langkah dengan satu matlamat yang unggul...

Create your own banner at!
Lepas ni dah tak ada istilah penat dalam kamus hidup
Form 5 ' 2011
Setiap masa , setiap ruang adalah terhad
"Kawan-kawan sekalian,ingatlah kita cume ada 3 bulan untuk trial
3 bln - 1/2 bulan tidur, - 1/4 bulan makan - 1/4 bulan riadah = 2 bulan sahaja"
(Harizzuddin BWP )
Be prepare pals...
War is about to start...
After this...
Everything will be about SPM...

Khamis, 2 Jun 2011

Pemimpin di bangku sekolah...apa yang perlu ada?!

Kepimpinan itu bukan sahaja patut dilatih di tempat kerja ...
Namun, sifat kepimpinan ini perlu dilatih sejak di bangku sekolah lagi
Apabila memegang jawatan seperti presiden kelas , pengawas , badan wakil pelajar dan sebagainya

1. Jadilah pemimpin yang tegas bukan pemarah

Jangan suka marah-marah
Banyakkan memberi nasihat
Jadilah pemimpin yang dihormati & disegani ,
Bukannya pemimpin yang ditakuti

Contoh Situasi : Bilik D456 tidak pergi ke Subuh untuk satu hari dan memberi alasan bangun lewat
Tindakan Salah : "Kau ingat ni sekolah mak bapak kau suka-suka tak pergi Subuh!!!"
Tindakan Betul : Denda & Beri peringatan

2. Diorang tak boleh buat, kita pun sama laa!

Peraturan dicipta untuk semua mematuhinya
Bukan untuk mereka yang tidak berjawatan sahaja
Kalau mereka tak boleh buat
Apa sebab pemimpin boleh buat ???

Contoh situasi : Pelajar dilarang membawa MP3 ke bangunan akademik
Tindakan Salah : Pemimpin menunjuk-nunjuk MP3 semasa waktu prep

3. Jadilah pemimpin yang adil lagi saksama

Peraturan itu adil ...
Siapa yang tertangkap pasti akan dihukum ...
Jangan kerana kawan sendiri yang buat salah ...
Kawan tidak dihukum ...
Adil ke macam tu?